i hate repeats.
[ 2002-03-21 - 6:49 p.m.]

Almost time for my FRiENDS! I can't believe it's already Thursday!

Well, frizziefry is finished. I finally gave everyone their bit of fame. Ha. (my tribute...) I am *so* tired! After Friends, I'm going to bed.

You know what? I really can't say that today was a BAD day, but I for sure would be lying if I said it was a good day. Track about killed me again. It seems like the last month was wasted. I mean, my times aren't getting better. What's the point? And Coach McNeil doesn't give a SHIT! All he does is push us and push us until we feel like dying. If we're in pain, he just tells us to run harder. Wow. I could hire like, Hitler, and get that same thing. Damn track Nazi.

And then today in lunch I got this feeling about Brandon. Not a happy one. More like, I don't know. It made me think about whether I like him at all or not. I need to figure this out.

I feel like I am losing my friends. The real ones. Not the ones on T.V.!! I mean, its been forever and a day since I got to do something with them and I mean, they all do "couple" stuff now. And I know that maybe it's just because everyone has been reeeeal busy with sports and school. I just miss the times I had almost every weekend where I'd be out and then right before I went home @ 11, I'd stop off at Hollywood Video and Kroger and stay up with someone else until like, 3. I miss having "sleepovers" and whatnot. Not just that though. Something more. I feel like now that everyone is 'growing up', no one has time for fun. I don't even know if I do.

Well, reading over that I realized how wrong that came out. I know I still have my friends. I meant that I feel like I never really get to see them anymore.

NoOoO! This is a repeat! I mean, there's freakin' Christmas decorations in the Central Perk. Damnit!! I need a happy source for the day. 2 repeats in a row? What HAS the world COME TO??

I need love.

< ! & ! >
ell jay