academic awards banquet.
[ 2002-03-22 - 5:55 p.m.]

Well, it's almost time for me to go to the Acedemic Awards Banquet. I almost feel like a *smart* person!

I completely skipped track today. But it was worth the drive & the talk that Tabby and I had. I kind of thing it's funny the kind of friendship Tab and I have. I mean, I consider like, the most trustworthy person and my closest friend. But we're both so busy that we never get to hang out. Which, in a way, is good. I mean, we don't get sick fo each other and we make the best of the time we do get to chill. So we don't fight or anything.

It's a lot of fun.

Well, I am getting i.m.ed up the feheZZy and I have to get going anyways. I'll probably be back later tonight.

< ! & ! >
ell jay