i'm getting nostalgic.
[ 2003-05-20 - 8:07 p.m.]

I've been a lot behind on writing. I feel like I have nothing interesting to say. My days are full of doing random pieces of nothing. I am not doing anything new in school, and everything is blah. I only have 1 period a day that I do anything. I'm free 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. Its crazy. And I have no more exam reviews to do (almost done with the henious Chemistry review!). I have nothing to do. Its so nice.

I baysat last night. ER! The kids were great, but Evan wouldn't stop crying. I had to carry him around all night. I feel like my arms are about to fall off. It sucked. But man, I am going to miss those kids. Claire is absolutely awesome when she's in a good mood. Crazy.

American Idol was on tonight. Beth and I made our shirts to support Clayton. *SiGH* I could just hug that kid. He killed it tonight. No matter who wins tomorrow, they'll both be successful. However, CLAY IS GOING TO WIN!! I don't think I have ever been this into a t.v. show. Um...a reality t.v. show.

(I tend to get rather intense with Friends.)

Beth is staying tomorrow night and we're going to go watch the finale and get breakfast in the morning. Oh, and speaking of food (I'm getting ready to whine, so if you don't want to hear it, click out), I have been trying to be healthier and actually EAT. I have been eating two meals a day, BUT I EFFING GAINED A POUND. God, have mercy.

I forgot I didn't write about Saturday night. I went and ate sushi with Brandon in Nashville. Don't. Ew ew ew. It was so gross. But we had a good time. We also went to Wild Oats (I actually bought banana chips that time) and to The Great Escape and just walking around. Oh yeah, and we fucking went to Mr. Brown's house and played Axis and Allies. Okay, no we didn't play but yes, we did go. (NOT BY CHOICE. I'm 110% embarrassed--long story.)

That was fun.

Well, I am going to shower & wrap up the reviewing. Then I'll be free. *Sniff* I'm actually about to do my last bit of Chemistry work ever. I'm getting nostalgic.

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ell jay