pirate's booty is good.
[ 2003-05-17 - 11:38 a.m.]

After a full night's rest, I can write again.

First off, if you didn't read last night's entry, you should.

Last night was so busy. Okay, we (Beth + me) went to Nashville around 3:30 yesterday, and thankfully didn't hit too much traffic. Although I feel bad because I honked at some kids with a lot of good music stickers on their car. But HELLO! Look before you change lanes--especially in the middle of a city. Hey-soos.

We went to eat at Roly-Poly. Oh my gosh, it was so good. The wraps probably cost as much as Quiznos and they were twice the size of Quiznos. And there were like, 75 different wraps there. It was really healthy and a good place to eat...one of those places that you don't feel like saying 'I'm going to become Bullemic now.' after you eat there.

We headed to Green Hills and I blew too much money. Ahh...it was fun nonetheless. We also went to Wild Oats and I stole Banana Chips (like 4 of them. Real rebel, huh?). 'Pirate's Booty is GOOD!' Hehe.

We soon realized that we had worn out Nashville. We actually ran out of things to do! We drove around and found the Zoo and then we came a cross a carnival.

Carnival + Tennessee = White trash heaven.

We also headed to 21st again and got some Ben & Jerry's and walked around for an hour or so. Yep. And we headed home and went to Brandon's and tried a mango. Yeah, so maybe don't ever eat mangos. They taste like hair.

I am going back to the Ville tonight, but we'll be more limited on things to do because its all gross and raining, so there won't be any where to walk around.

I'm trying to get over this new 'eating disorder' thing. I actually ate 2 meals yesterday! I had an apple and PB sandwhich for lunch and for dinner I had the wraps and half a milk shake! Thank you, thank you.


I want to go to Disney World again. Its been a couple of years.

< ! & ! >
ell jay