movie poster.
[ 2002-03-23 - 11:37 p.m.]

UGH! I hate my mom! It's *already* starting. The whole "I have sOoOoOo much authority over you!" thing. Damn it all to hell. So I come in at 11:15 and she freaks out about the law. WHAT THE FUCK? Meredith has been driving for how fucking long and her curfew is *already* later than mine. God mother fucking damnit. If I could show how angry I am right now, it would look kinda' like this:

5i7y87ewvgfiu76bte76gv3 ^YBUu76^N%#&%(P$#VTUo8u6oyn9843276g98vy45b 76eq7853$W^$(^798yrb 986w7586o4e^u7y856y89o658 6%& %$#(&P* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Breathe in, Breathe out.

So tonight Brandon came over and we kinda' sorta' TRIED to watch a movie (no, no, nothing like what you're thinking!). We just kept talking instead of watching the movie. We got halfway through It before I had to take him home. And I am still at the same place I was *before* tonight.

Which is no where.

But a few weeks ago I told him how I've always wanted a Ferris Bueller's Day Off movie poster and he got online and got one off of Ebay for me!! AwWwWwWw!

< ! & ! >
ell jay