happy mother's day.
[ 2003-05-11 - 3:29 p.m.]

Today is an absolutely beautiful Sunday. There isn't a cloud in the sky, the sun is shinning bright as can be, and the breeze makes it perfect. It rules.

Today has been spent doing the most random of things.

I went to a park and carved my initials into a block 'o wood. I hung out at home and made a cheesecake. I rode in a car, all while in good company.

I shouldn't have gotten so angry last night, but I couldn't help it. I'm just frustrated.

Even more so because I feel guilty for hanging out with Brandon. GUILTY. Where does THAT come from? It'd be one thing if Newbie was making any attempt to be nice, but he's not. He is still the same jerk he was 10 months ago. So why do I feel like *I* owe *him* something? Go figure. I really am a nice person with a heart. Huh...who knew?

I talked to my little emo boy Danny today. I love that kid so incredibly much. I know very few people in this world with as much heart as him. I totally respect him for that.

I can't WAIT for summer. I have so many weekend trips that I'm going to go on. My summer is going to be massively packed with summer school and trips sandwiched between days of bordem.


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ell jay