i love the rain.
[ 2002-03-19 - 7:33 p.m.]

RAiN iS THE GREATEST! No track = happy Rachel! I ran anyways after school, but running independantly makes me feel like I accomplished something after all.

I bought tickets tonight to see Jimmy Eat World, Green Day, and Blink 182 in concert in Atlanta on May 18th!! Tabby better be able to go with me. (hehe! rock starts belong at a rock show!) So, other than Spring Break, I have that to look forward to. After the 26th of this month, its all downhill (track meet...ugh). Ha, every day I complain about track & yet I still go to it completely voluntarily.

The sun started to shine for the 1st time in days. And for once, I didn't wish it to go away. Haha, I don't need anything to be rained out for a while.

I need to work on running my 400s.

I am still confused about Brandon. Everyone says I should give it a shot. What IS that inside of me telling me not to? What is it?? Arghm, I wish I knew b/c that would REALLY help me out a lot. What is my problem? I can't see any apparent flaws in him. HELP ME!

My "step-dad uncle" is moving in Saturday. My mom won't be alone anymore and she'll be out of my business and happy.

I love my friends. Especially the real ones.

< ! & ! >
ell jay