we all need somebody to lean on.
[ 2002-03-12 - 9:40 p.m.]

Oh my lord. Three in one day? What is the world coming to? Maybe it's just my inner self trying to catch up with that stupid chick at opendiary. I need some help seriously this time! Or it cold have to do with the fact that I have so much on my mind today/tonight. I don't know where to begin.

Okay, I am going to think out loud. Can two people from the same place but completely different worlds (yes that's possible!) have a relationship? Now one might ask how 2 people can be from the same place but completely different worlds, but it's a completely logical thought. A person's world (not the world in its literal sense...) is made up of their family, friends, likes, dislikes, and themselves. So usually when two people become FRIENDS, they already are from somewhat different worlds. I mean, they usually have different families, but they often times have mutual friends, likes, and dislikes. So, the two become friends because they know where one another is coming from--they understand each other and can do the same types of things and have fun. But, what about 2 people with not only different families, but also different friends, and only SOMEWHAT of the same intrests? Can they really be together? Because often times, the main key in a relationship is understanding. Can 2 people that different understand each other?

And what about the friends issue? I mean, can 2 people have a loving relationship and have fun together even if they have different friends? I guess if the couple is willing to take the time to make it all work, it would be worth it in the end. But how many people are willing to take a leap of faith and take that risk? It all depends I guess. You just kind of have to be in the right place at the right time. How often does that happen?

In a way, though, it's the same way with friends. We all take friends for granted. I have had so many friends in my life. Too many to count. And I have had a lot of really good friends. Almost all of my "good" friendships are over for various reasons. Some of them I wish I still had and others I am perfectly happy with just being someone to smile in the hallways at. And some of them I am perfectly happy hating. I mean, as one of my old "good" friends taught me to say, it happens. You can't kick yourself for a friendship's end.

But, there are those occasional friends in life that are everlasting. And when you find those types of friends, its worth the time. The letters you write to stay in touch. The late night calls about something that might not be important in a month, but at the moment, its so important that the world could stop spinning and you woudln't even notice.

Good friends are hard to come by. Best friends are even harder. But when you find your best friend, you can consider yourself to be the luckiest person in the whole world.

So, my point is, I think that no matter how different or alike 2 people may be, and no matter what the status of the relationship between those two people is, whether it's best friends or "lovers", taking that extra step and making it all work out is worth it in the end. Because even once the relationship is over, if it ever ends, then you would have grown. Learning from the mistakes you made throughout the times with those people and the memories you make with the people that are important enough to you to spend time on, are forever.

I am beginning to figure myself out.

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ell jay