inside jokes and notes on cars.
[ 2003-04-27 - 6:51 p.m.]

Today was such a great day. I know that I didn't actaully do much, but you guys have no idea how amazing it was for me. I have been grinning like a champ all day long. *SiGH* I wish I could write all the details, but not yet. That is a 'private' entry.

Um, after waking up to the best call in the world, I talked to someone for a little while and things were great.

Things .a.r.e. great.

Then I went a washed my car, watched Katie wash hers, and rode with Bethany. And now I am in the middle of writing a stupid paper on Marie Curie as if this is truly going to enhance my educational career. Fun stuff.

Bethany is right, though. There are certain things in life that I cannot imagine going another day without. My best and dearest friends, love, being in love, inside jokes, mix c.d.s [and tapes], notes on cars, little reminders that I am loved, kisses on my cheeks, laughing really hard, crying really hard, and knowing that everything will be okay.

I love you kids.

[And Beth, here are the inside jokes I can remember: Crew, UBER, Vardaman/Lenny, autism, brain freeze, the hand gestures, 'He likes it when I call him big poppa...', 'He went by me-got me so damp!', Got milk? (ew.)...]

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