animal crakers and love.
[ 2003-04-29 - 7:33 p.m.]

American Idol is on. Damnit. Randy just PISSED ME OFF. ((Talking to Ruben)):'You've already won is dawg.' No. No...Clay is the champion! Gr.

I totally went to Quiznos with Beth after school. It was good as can be. MM...Turkey Guacamole. And then I went to hang out with a 'friend'. Mistake.

After that, I went to visit a friend. A good, good friend.

Then I came home and had some fruit salad and animal crackers. It rules.

AHHH. I am so happy!! I wish...I wish...I wish I could write how I feel. Soon, maybe.

On a down note, my parents AREN'T going out of town. I am *so* mad. I wanted one night to myself. Is that SO much to ask?

Hay-soos (let's see if you guys can figure THAT one out...).

I made 8 fluffer-nutters for people at school tonight. And now I can't stop eating animal crackers.

Well, well, well, I *love* you guys (you know who you are).

< ! & ! >
ell jay