i feel completed.
[ 2003-04-26 - 12:18 p.m.]

Sleeping is the best things in the world. Richard (he signed my book) was right. :o) I totally did everything I had to last night--er like unpack from Florida from a week ago. Crazy. Anyhow, after that, I watched the episode of Friends that Beth taped for me ("They're NOT suade!") and passed out for 2 hours. Then Katie came over at like...8:30 and we went to O'Chucks and drove around. .s.t.a.l.k.e.r.s. Katie almost slaughtered 2 rabbits.

When I got home, I got online [surprise, I know.] and wrote emails, got a new template, fixed my guestbook to match ((which more people should sign!)), and downloaded some pretty spectacular songs.

OH! And Mystic Pizza was on The Oxygen Channel and a little birdie had told me to watch it, so I did. (Haha Christina!)

I am in the mood to watch Requiem which is weird because the last time I watched that movie, I was completely freaked the fuck out and I felt completely vacant inside. I think its because I DL-ed the theme songs and its so good that it reminds me of how awesome the movie is.

OH CRAP! Oh my gosh. I totally have a movie sitting here that was due back a week ago! Oh my gosh you guys. I have to go get dressed and return it. CRAP.

< ! & ! >
ell jay