please someone give me life. not a life. just life.
[ 2003-06-21 - 2:00 a.m.]

Nine things you're looking forward to

1. sleeping tonight.

2. July 3rd.

3. whatever tomorrow entails.

4. someone calling/ to hang out.

5. the next show i go to.

6. July 3rd again.

7. meh...just repeat the first 3.



Eight things that you wear daily:

1. underwear.

2. 8. (perfume.)

3. shirt.

4. hoodie.

5. shorts/jeans.

6. shoes.

7. eyeliner.

8. a smile?

Seven things that annoy you:

1. liars.

2. ppl who type lik tis. u kno?

3. my english professor's voice.

4. "posers".

5. how molly ringwald could get every icon of the eighties and i can't even get a half decent guy of today.

6. the way no one ever calls.

7. the internet really, surprisingly, annoys me.

Six things you touch every day:

1. my eyes.

2. keyboard.

3. my pillow.

4. steering wheel.

5. a peach snapple bottle.

6. my c.d.s.

Five things you do every morning:

1. roll back over.

2. realize i need to get up.

3. rub my eyes.

4. get dressed.

5. pick up my room.

Four CD's you could listen to forever:

1. tell all your friends.

2. is this thing loaded?

3. "hey dude whats up chillin'" comps #1 and #2 from brian.

4. "stable" comp from daniel.

Three movies you could watch over and over:

1. ferris bueller's day off.

2. friends season 2. (all 4.)

3. requiem for a dream/25th hour.

Two of your favorite songs at the moment:

1. N* - blind crush.

2. the jealous sound - change is all the rage.

(it said at the moment, but glycerine will always rule over all. forever and ever.)

One person you could spend the rest of your life with: i don't know if one of those exist for me. SHOW YOURSELF TO ME.

< ! & ! >
ell jay