all night chill no. 2 gets a 10.
[ 2002-06-23 - 12:48 p.m.]

Yep. Other than the headache I have from the lack of sleep & the weird pain in my left leg (WHY do I still get 'growing pains'? I'm obviously not growing anymore...), I'm awesome! Last night was a 10. Other than that one thing, but that is "forgotten".

We watched Joe Dirt (it's sure to become an acclaimed classic...heh...) and just all chilled at the apartment together. "Fantastic Four". Then, we went to Rob's and didn't do much of anything over there. Just sat around, doing exactly what we'd be doing if we were at the apartment. "Chillin'".

After we left there, we went to Waffle House and then BACK to the apartment. Um...when we got there we watched The Breakfast Club. ((I don't know why I'm writing such unimportant details...!?))

The night RULED. I liked being close and being relaxed and...and being there. I liked kissing him and I liked the few words that we spoke. I liked the honesty that was there last night. I liked the friendship. And I liked realizing why we should get close to people. Even if they ARE going to leave.

I didn't want to go home.

I wonder how titles complicate things. Seems to me like not having titles would further complicate things (Katie...YA KNOW...). I am not complaining.

*LOL* Katie--I was going to put "it" in here, but not yet. I will wait. Heh...its going to be funny.

< ! & ! >
ell jay