let freedom riiiing.
[ 2002-07-07 - 12:07 a.m.]

Today did make up for last night. I swam for 2 hours today. That pool and I are bonding. I think it likes me since I clean it now.

I watched a lot of movies today. Miss Congeniality, Dumb & Dumber, ::drawing a blank::. I went to Target to get some pictures back from 6 Flags. They're all cute. It seems like so long ago, but it was only about 2 or 3 weeks. In "school years" that's not very long AT ALL. It's crazy to think how awesome-ly slow this summer is.

Than, I chilled at home with Newbie and ate pizza. And played a game. And then then Brandon and Chaela came over and we semi~chilled.

I wonder why I don't feel like writing.

Freedom starts in 4 hours. Yes. Sunday - Sunday.

< ! & ! >
ell jay