yep. this one deserves to be deleted.
[ 2001-12-30 - 11:27 p.m.]

I just got off the phone with Rob. Well, that was weird. Summer.

I'm listening to a really good song and I don't even know what the name of it is.

Everything has been the same for 5 years. Why does everything have to change now? He took my place at the table. And what does Joanna have to do with ANYTHiNG?? Is it important what happened in the past? I don't know quite what that is.

Mistakes are mistaken. I didn't have wrongful intentions. So why am I still, 6 months laster, being punished? Wow. Half a year. And I can't get into a comfortable relationship.

Ahh...I hate writing my emotions because they don't make sense. I don't feel good. Where is everyone?

< ! & ! >
ell jay