daniel or rob.
[ 2001-08-28 - 8:15 p.m.]

Such a long time since I last wrote, but there is so little to write about. Even though a lot has gone on lately. Just a lot of dumb dumb things. Mainly with Rob. School still sucks and the only good thing all day is 6th period Art because I get to talk to Travis about everything.

Rob. Hm...well...Rob. I think I like Daniel. And I can't do that. I just can't.

Recently, Rob has been nothing but an asshole to me. On Saturday night, he got all moody because he wanted to just hang out as the 2 of us, but we wound up hanging out with different people. I mean, we were both there, but there were a ton of other people, too. And he didn't like that so he got all pissy about it. And he gets so moody. Like a little girl that doesn't get her way. He just gets this frown on his face and...argh...it drives me friggin' CRAZY!!

Brad and I are becoming better friends. Today at BK, we had this one really long talk about Rob and I don't know. I guess just people in general. He's a really great guy. I wish I could still say the same about Rob. I was crazy about him. 100% infatuated. And now where did it get me? Here typing this.

Why Daniel? Well, a lot of things. He's cute. And sweet. And he does these things for people, things that I'd never imagine a guy doing. And yeah. When I let Rob borrow The Perks of Being a Wallflower a month ago, he never read it. So, I decided to let Daniel read it. He took off on his bike and left for like, 15 hours and he read the book twice. He said he loved it. Amazing.

This can't be happening. Brad was supposed to talk to Rob for me tonight, and he did. But I don't know WHAT was said. Last night, I was at the dorms (*DORMS SUCK ASS*) and it was just Rob and I. And he thinks it would be cool to be like a 7th grader and make out with me. I didn't know what the hell to do, so I just, very un-emotionally, did the same back. Then, he looks at me and said "I'd like to call you my girlfriend." Or some cheesy Days oif Our Lives line. Well, I had this whole thought of Daniel in my mind, but me being the NOT strong willed person I am, nodded my head. But apparently he didn't notice that because Brad told me today that Rob said I never answered him.

Well, I guess thats all the drama I can stand to write about for now. Daniel or Rob?

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ell jay