charlie is awesome.
[ 2002-05-03 - 5:41 p.m.]

Damn my stomach hurts like a bitch. I hate dairy products. I eat them too often for someone who is "allergic" to lactose. I just ate a peppermint stick in hopes to subside the pain. Its rough. And I have to leave in 10 minutes.

I am so happy that I have plans tonight. I started having that feeling again. Even after everything was getting okay.

I was sitting in my bed with my headphones on listening to some random c.d. ( was Bush...which that in itself is weird...). And I was reading the best book in the world. And it hit me again. Just like last time. I'm not happy. And so even if I was okay for a week, 7 days, it was sure to come back. I just didn't think so soon.

My stomach hurts. I have got to go tell my mom what I'm doing tonight. Soon I'll be back.

< ! & ! >
ell jay