my mom's job and sweetness.
[ 2002-09-16 - 7:04 p.m.]

SO today in class, some kid was bitching about how teachers are stupid and anyone can be a teacher and how poor they are. OKAY. What the fuck. First off if there weren't any teachers, no one else in this world could get a degree and make all of the money. Secondly, $38,000 a year isn't too too bad. Sure, its not raking in the millions, but it's supported me wearing Abercrombie and driving an Acura and living in a nicely furnished house. Yes, I will admit that CMCSS isn't the best school system. In fact, its probably one of the worst. The only reason my mom works here is because her family is here and we moved here so my dad could make more money. Yeah, then my dad went off with another woman and became VP of his company. So, it looks like we have 2 choices in this world.


(a.) Be a good, hard-working parent and have someone to leave behind in this world to carry on your values and memories.


(b.) Be a cold-hearted dick that lives a lonely life and make the money.

I'd chose choice "a". Sure she had to go to Breneau in Georgia because her family couldn't afford too much else at the time. but, hell she got her Masters Degree at Boston University and got to go study at Oxford in England. She makes an okay living now and is more than generous with her money. She's always buying me clothes and giving me gas money. She buys extra food for my boyfriend to eat so he feels welcome here.

She could be doing a lot of other things. She's thought about becoming a professor at some college. She could be some freakin Biologist by now. But seeing teenagers learn is what she desires and lives for. It makes her HAPPY. So no one ever bitch to me about my mom's money.

Anyways, I want things to get better. I'm sure most of this has been my fault. I, too, have been under a lot of stress. I feel bad that I haven't been able to give him the right amount of goodness. But I will. No more fighting.

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ell jay