i miss home.
[ 2002-08-10 - 10:34 a.m.]

Well, I'm here. I guess its cool. I mean, its nice to see people and whatnot but good God I miss Newbie and Katie and Chaela and Brandon W. and DANNY! What the hell!? When I come back he's going to be gone. And so is Newbie. Damnit all to hell.

Yesterday I traveled for fucking ever. I missed my 1st flight which sucked. Then, I finally got a flight at 10:50. Then, in Chicago, I totally saw my nextdooor neighbor. How fucking awesome is that? I don't know. It was just kind of cool.

Well, there is stuff I want to write about, but I guess it'll have to wait until I get home. I feel weird writing on someone else's computer.

I miss you.

< ! & ! >
ell jay