the rest of the summer.
[ 2002-08-03 - 1:12 a.m.]

I can't wait for this week. Even though I know in the back of the mind that this is the last week of my summer. Everything is going to be so different in eleven days. I will be halfway there. I feel the need to type this slowly because I want to hold in the feeling I have right now. I am ready for what's in store for me. I am ready to face this year.

Wow. I am ready.

I am going to be so busy in the upcoming days. I want to take it all in. Breathe it all in.

[.Saturday.] - I'll be hanging out with Danny and Brandon and saying goodbye.

[.Tuesday.] - I have to babysit from 8am - 4pm. Gross. Then I think I'm going to be "all-night chilling".

[.Wednesday.] - I'm going to be celebrating with Katie her Sweet Sixteen.

[.Thursday.] - Babysitting again from 8am - 4pm. My last day of summer.

[.Friday.] - I fear Friday. I will be going to Boston.

[.Saturday.] - I'm planning on R-E-L-A-X-ing and doing whatever.

[.Sunday.] - My grandma's birthday celebration.

[.Monday.] - Coming home.P>

[.Tuesday.] - Beginning of Junior Year.

[.Monday.] - The 19th. Newbie comes home.

I know that I need this time. Eleven days apart from him. It actually is leaving a pit in the bottom of my heart right now. I'm trying to be positive. We both want to go to the places that we're going. I need to see my family and he needs to see his. When I come home, I need to focus on school and school-related things. I need to spend time with SCHOOL FRiENDS. I need to sleep. I need to order a pizza on Saturday night and watch some sappy movie. I need to go out on Friday night with Katie. I need to go to O'Chucks on Wednesday. I need my space. And he needs his.

But I'm still already missing him.

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