i thought wishing on shooting stars made it extra special.
[ 2002-07-01 - 12:51 a.m.]

This is weird. I feel like I can't write how I feel because people will just bitch about it. "Quit complaining about your life..."

It's *real* great to find out that you're someone that is there to hang out with and make out with. @@

But just so I don't forget what all I did tonight, I saw Lilo & Stitch. The summary of what happened?:

r8ch88 (1:32:24 AM): no, i don't know what happened...everything was perfect then he wanted to talk...so the "going out" talk came up...and he brought up him leaving...then things got emotional for me...halfway b/c of my period...we get to the apartment...((note: all night he was like...july 1st is going to be PERFECT...i will call you at 12 on the dot...i have something to ask you!)) so we get there. just chillin'. he gets all...quiet on me. i leave. i call his voice mail...i say 'i'm going running...clearing my head...call @ 12:30...

r8ch88 (1:33:12 AM): he doesn't call. so i call him. he's like 'oh, sorry i didn't call.' so i say 'what is up'...he's like 'nothing chaela just left so nothing is going on...'

r8ch88 (1:33:34 AM): so i was just like 'okay, i will let you go'...he says "okay." and thats the end of the beginning i guess.


The first star I see may not be a star. We can't do a thing but wait.

So let's wait for one more.

The time such clumsy time in deciding if it's time.

I'm careful but not sure how it goes.

You can loose yourself in your courage.

The mindless comfort grows when I'm alone with my 'great' plans.

This is what she says gets her through it:

"If I don't let myself by happy now then when?"

If not now when?

When the time we have now ends.

When the big hand goes round again.

Can you still feel the butterflies?

Can you still hear the last goodnight?

Close my eyes and believe wherever you are, an angel for me.

< ! & ! >
ell jay