because. thats who and how we are.
[ 2003-07-29 - 1:03 a.m.]

My summer is beginning right as its ending. Check. It. Out.

[+]. I (& Beth) will be spending the night in Nashville with my dad/Deb/Cody because its Cody's eigth birthday...and I love the kid. So. I will be a good big sister and hang out with him.

[+]. Saturday = roadtip #5 for the summer. Gulf Shores, AL. Beth and I will obviously be picking up lots of hot MEN down there. Yes. Thats right. Men. Because the only people down there are families and golfers and retirees.

[+]. I will be there until the 9th.

[+]. ROCKET PARTY! I get to see 2 of my 3 favorite Illinois friends. Fuck the Illinois part. 2 of my favorite friends...

[+]. Miss Annelise will be coming back to the Ville of Nash with me. This could be dangerous. Much laughing, consumtion of food, line dancing (or any other form of awkward body movement), red crayon drawing, and Jake Ryan loving will occur. And it will be a good way to end the summer.

[+]. The following Monday, I begin school.

[+]. And then its off to Chicago to again, see my friends Kristen and A and see The Jealous Sound.

[+]. I am a champion at making lists.

[+]. Yesterday. Was a special day. It will be remembered every month. Because we are like that. We are totally us.

< ! & ! >
ell jay