definitely do not watch a scary movie when babysitting.
[ 2003-04-05 - 11:38 a.m.]

Ahh. This week is almost over. That makes me smile. This week was a waste.

I was so off on sleep because of how late I talked to Danny on Wednesday. Note to self: You need AT LEAST 5 hours of sleep to function at school.

I slept like a CHAMPiON last night. It was by far the best sleep I have had in a long, long time.

(Info-mercials are hilarious.)

I babysat for a while last night. I was SO exhausted. I got to Mr. Brown's at like, 6:30 and the kids went to bed around 8:00-ish. Then all I had to do was feed Evan around 9 and I had 3 hours of nothing but t.v. He paid me *way* too much for that. I honestly didn't do crap. But it was nice because there were at least 6 movies on that I could pick from. Being the dumbass I am, I watched Hannibal. Yeah. In case you didn't notice, it was storming outside. I was out in the country alone. Scared as crap. The only one that could have possibly been worse was Scream. And, had that been on, I know thats what I would have watched. I just kept thinking of that stupid urban legend about the guy who calls the babysitter and freaks her out and the whole time he's in the house in the kid's bed.

After the F.O.U.R.T.Y. minute drive home in the pouring rain and storm, it was 12:40. I just showered and passed out.

Today should be a good one. After the perfect night of sleep, I woke up to my [great] boyfriend calling me. It made me happy. Then I called Beth and we made our plans for the day.

(Spam commercials are hilrious, too.)

To Nashville and then to the Rainforest Cafe and then to the i-MAX.

Well, I'm going to go run some crappy errands. Err...I just got my summer school schedule. First session:June 9 - July 2. Second session:July 7 - July 30. Not good, not bad. Anything is better than 9 months. Anything. And I won't be going to UT until the 17th or something along those lines. Its actually almost over.

< ! & ! >
ell jay