these are the days that last forever.
[ 2003-10-06 - 1:23 a.m.]

"those girls. i hate those girls. you know what i'm talking about: girls who are hopelessly adorable, girls who are endlessly affectionate, girls who drive all boys to liking them and then just end up breaking their poor little boy hearts. girls who make girls like me seem nameless and faceless. am i jealous? yeah, that's part of it. those girls take the male-adoration attention away from chill girls like me. which i guess kind of, in turn, makes me a psuedo-one-of-those- girls...a wannabe one-of-those-girls. but, those girls, they're the ones who make boys mopey; they're the ones who are responsible for inspiring every john cusack movie ever.

ah, but i guess the nameless, faceless girls--the guys' best friends, shall we say--we're the constants. we're the ones they come crying to when one-of-those-girls does doughnuts in the front yards of their hearts and souls. *sigh* i guess that's good. but, i dunno. i'm not completely sure i want to be typecast as the lily taylor character in say anything for the rest of my life."


thank you for saying that. because thats exactly how girls like me feel. every. fucking. day.

i made a mess out of the only quasi-okay thing i had going for me. this is 3 times in a row. three. way to go, champ.

i fear 'your own disaster' tomorrow night. but thats okay. itll be my birthday.

and we're gonna party LIKE its my birthday. ahh. the logic of 50 cent.

< ! & ! >
ell jay