why can i not write?
[ 2003-03-12 - 3:49 p.m.]

HA! Has anyone out there heard of Avlimil? Its like female Viagra. I am confused. Why do women need that? *SiGH* Innocent mind is curious.

Today is absolutely beautiful. I wanted to go on a picnic at good ole Dunbar Cave, but lover boy had to work. I guess we'll go next week. Beth and I are totally going to rock it out at Centennial Park on Friday. We can go picnic-ing then.

This weather is seriously amazing. I cannot wait for spring! Maybe its here...? I hope so. I am dreading the cold weather's return.

WHY - CAN - I - NOT - WRITE? My mind is stupid today.

Mr. Bee-rown asked me to 'sit' again this weekend. My weekend is already full of plans. It rules.

Yeah. So I still don't want to write right now.

Note to self: Write about Mr. Dager's "infinite" talk today.

I hope everyone is enjoying this weather. I am in a supercali mood. I am tired, too.

< ! & ! >
ell jay