screw the x's.
[ 2003-06-23 - 11:20 p.m.]

"These past few years have been confusing and difficult for us all...I

look forward to an adult relationship with you.Often times your mother and I

have been at odds over any number of issues.That will diminish as contact

between the two of us will diminish as you grow more independent of both of us."

-Email from man who calls himself father.

Great. Is that supposed to be some kind of "pick-me-up", dad!? Thats great. I realize they have been divorced for 6 years. It doesn't mean I ever want to hear (realize) that they will one day reach a point where the talking between them will cease. I wish I had known them back when they were in love.

I just hope that this kind of romantic relationship stuff doesn't rub off on me. I really hope failed marriages aren't genetic.

Tonight was a fun night.

I never thought being stereotypically on drugs was possible. But yes, laughing over water and eating a lot of food in Steak 'n Shake does happen.

I feel corrupted. It was humorous. 3 nights in a row...

Screw the X's.

< ! & ! >
ell jay