the italian penny.
[ 2003-09-20 - 12:02 a.m.]

"the path into this heart is littered with corpses and strewn with body parts of those who came before..."

this is the only song i can really get into tonight. because there is this part at the end. the part that is me. because its what i do.

"so child, dont go. getting your hopes. up."

rar. emo-ness is totally lame. (obv.)

so what? im in full-fledged emo mode tonight.

but, in as much honesty as i can pull up from the insides of my heart, i am amazingly and bewilderingly nothing other than happy for my friends who are finally getting the love they completely deserve.

but me? ah. i rise up hopeless and empty handed.

okay, annelise. im taking my italian penny wish now.

i wish...

< ! & ! >
ell jay