adventures in babysitting.
[ 2003-03-08 - 7:57 a.m.]

I just wanted to leave a quick one to let everyone know (not that anyone really cares...) that I'm going to Louisville this weekend. I'd better have some emails when I come back. I really need a break away from the stress here.

Newbie and I have been talking a lot in the last few days about where our relationship is headed. I don't know if ending it is exactly what I wanted to do. I think that there was a certain someone who influenced me greatly. And that certain someone totally gave me a wake up call last night. I realized that I want to be with But, if I'm not, it'll be okay. Everything will play itself out how its meant to be. xfingersxcrossedx.

Haha. As Ben once said, "Life is like a game of cards-you have to work with what you're dealt. Only you can't fold in life." Wow. I don't know what made me think of that. What a dork. :O)

I seriously babysat THE cutest kids in the world last night. Mr. Brown lives the best life. Oh my gosh...I babysat all four of his kids (Evan = 2 1/2 months, Claire = 1 1/2, Emily = 4 1/2, Abigail = 7.) and then 2 of their friends kids. 6 kids. It was crazy. But at the same time, it was kinda' cool. I mean...I am not stupid--I know teachers have lives. My mom is one. And I've babysat for TONS of teachers before. But I haven't ever babysat for a teacher that I currently have. It was crazy. Haha...and really funny. His wedding picture...*LOL*. Wow. He was a young-in. His house was so nice and ah. It was definitely one of the craziest but best babysitting jobs I've done in a while.

Geeze. I just realized how many teachers I have babysat for. There was Mr. Myers 'THE PRINCIPAL', Coach Story, Ms. Reed, Officer Jason, Ms. Edmondson/McWhirter, Haha. I guess its good to be one of those kids who everyone says is a 'good kid'. Money.

Well, I'd better get going. My dad is going to be here in like, 10 minutes. He's always late. Every single time. 'I'll be there at eight.' I wake up. Its now 8:10. He won't be here until 8:20. *SiGH*

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ell jay