the 2 redheads i used to be close to.
[ 2001-10-29 - 7:20 p.m.]

I ran into your parents yesterday at the mall.

It got me thinking. Not for the first time, though. I mean, seeing them isn't the 1st time I've thought about you. I think about you a lot. And your girlfriend. All the time, actually.

Hey! Remember the time we were in Florida and I started. And we walked in the friggin' sandstorm to the gas station to buy tampons. Haha. And we got those nasty Mountain Dew slushies that were WAY too sweet to drink.

And what about Spring Break? Geeze...we all hung out a lot that week. I wish I could remember it all a little better. I remember how we used to talk on the phone for hours. About nothing and everything. I still have that picture of us on your bed in 6th grade.

I can't believe so much happened and then one little thing happened and it was all gone. Good Will Hunting, going to retarded middle school parties, gym...wishing we could have Wade to ourselves. Haha.

And as for her, I miss her too. How we used to talk about crap for forever. And whenever either one of us were having relationship problems, we would talk them out. And the time she stayed the night over here and kept telling me creepy stories and I couldn't fall asleep. And how cute her sugar glider is. And how I wish I could take back a lot of stuff. But how I can't.

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ell jay