not going to the game was fun.
[ 2002-09-07 - 9:48 a.m.]

I don't know what to write about. I mean, I have things I could say, but I don't know if I want to get into it. Ahh.

I'm so glad I didn't go to the game last night. But its weird to think that people are filling my place. I don't think anyone really understands that, but I do. I'm not going to go in depth with that one, though because it'll sound like I'm whinning.

I hate when I "double-book" myself. I also hate when I feel like writing but its obvious my fingers don't.

So I went and ate at Chris & Sheryl's. I thought I was going to be nervous about it, but it was really weird. I was completely COMFORTABLE. Crazy. I mean, I guess I should be comfortable. Through the last 3 years, I have told them everything through emails. It really is werid. Especially because I never saw myself sitting there with them ever again. I thought the last afternoon I saw them my 7th grade year, that it really was going to be the LAST afternoon I saw them. But then, there I was. I had driven myself to Goodlettsville and I was just chilling there. Eating dinner. It was nice. I got to talk to Sheryl a lot more than Chris, but it was still pretty cool. A good catch-up. At least I have somewhere to stop whenever I go to Rivergate.

So, anyways, I'm off. I'm glad, for once in my life, to be a wallflower. Football games suck. Being at home with a boyfriend and movies, kickass. Brittany is right. Just because you wear the shirt, doesn't mean you have to be there for everything. The shirt is supposed to be for people that are friends. The game is just some extra random thing to do on a Friday night.

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ell jay