back to school. thank you.
[ 2002-08-13 - 5:58 a.m.]

This sucks. This sucks. This sucks. I hate school. This sucks. This suck. This sucks.

I really don't want to leave my house in 30 minutes. Summer is gone. I think I'm going to cry.

[x] Going to see Blink.

[x] The first all night chill where Newbie called me a whore.

[x] Newbie and I driving around the city 1000 times that one day.

[x] Finding out Newbie liked me.

[x] Louisville.

[x] The first kiss.

[x] Second all night chill.

[x] Chaela + Brandon = June 30th.

[x] Rachel + Newbie = July 1st.

[x] 4th of July.

[x] The parentless week for Chaela and I.

[x] What happened at the end of that week.

[x] Third all night chill.

[x] Every night of doing nothing.

[x] All 100 movies we watched.

[x] Random rides with Katie.

[x] Saying goodbye to Danny.

[x] Finding all of my best friends.

Thank you Katie (my #1), Newbie, Brandon, Chaela, Danny, and BR.

< ! & ! >
ell jay