newbie's theory = turned down.
[ 2002-07-24 - 12:56 a.m.]

I just got off the phone with the "sweetie". Rephrase that. I just got off the phone with the "fucker". Ahh. A much better ring to it. Damn. I can tell I am PMS-ing.

"We're going to swim at the creek in the morning, you want to go?"


"Well, I'll call you in the morning to check again."

'Don't call me in the morning. I'll turn off my cell.'

"Then I'll call your house line."

'I will unplug my phone. Don't call.'


BiTCH BiTCH BiTCH. At least he said the 3 words before me tonight. Throughout the whole conversation, I was grinning because I was ignoring him so well! It ruled. I didn't hear anything he said for the entire 2nd half. I don't get the point of fighting. I said that to him. And he said that couples fight, but the whole thing behind love was that after you fight, you retreat to your separate corners, cool off, and then go say you're sorry and just be really nice to each other for a week.

That seems completely against everything. That theory is basically saying "You can be a bastard to whoever you love, as long as afterwards, the girl gets to go up to her her room and cry and the boy gets to go spend time with his friends and do whatever and then the guy can come in, say a very meaningless 'I'm sorry.' and then give the girl some sweet kisses and everything will be okay."

Let's see what the review board has to say...Newbie's Fighting & Apology Theory is REJECTED. It will not, I repeat, will NOT, become a Law.

I just think everyone should keep quiet. Let things bother them. Let them build up and build up over time, keep snowballing, and then there's the break up. I'm not even close yet to saying "Michael and Rachel FoooooRever!!". No way. Pessimism at its best right here. ESPECiALLY while PMS-ing.

Newbie's little "Rachel Strike" gave me time to chill and vent to Katie. It ruled. "You want some cantalope?" Her family knows me better than my own.

I am still loving him.

< ! & ! >
ell jay