my ice cream cone. not yours.
[ 2003-03-22 - 2:09 p.m.]

Wow. I haven't written in what seems like forever. My pinkie is still all stupid, so I don't know how much I'll be a-writin'. ((Newbie jammed my pinkie pretty hardcore and it is all huge and blue. I'm not exaggerating either. All of my teachers...2 of which are football coaches...told me that they have never seen a jammed finger that bad.))

The war seems to be the big topic 'o disscussion among my fellow 'diaryland-ers'. Here's my prespective on the whole thing. I'm not ANTI-war, I'm not PRO-war, and I'm definitely NOT apathetic. Living near Ft. Campbell and having TONS AND TONS of friends whose families are deployed affects my outlook greatly.

No matter what I won't ever think that people being killed is okay. Even if Sadaam is one hell of a crazy bastard. However, I also won't ever think that the U.S. should sit back and watch other countries being screwed over and taken over. It is like Robin Hood.

Say that America is Robin Hood and physco Sadaam is like the rich people. Safety of ourselves and other countries are the poor people. I don't think that Robin Hood should rob the rich to give to the poor because there seems like there would be a better solution to giving to the poor. However, if it is the only possible way to give to the poor, then thats what has to be done.

Elementary, I know...but its the best I could come up with.

What else, what else?

I have been thinking about unlocking this. Crazy, I know. But if things got out of hand, I can always re-lock it.

There is something that I have to get off of my chest. I don't want to make certain people mad, so I will refrain from the name game. Ah. Time for another analogy.

Have you ever worked REALLY hard to get something, say...saving up your pennies to buy an ice cream cone. Finally, the day comes around where you have enough money and the ice cream man comes. You only have enough for a small cone, but you're happy because you know that it is 100% yours. But then this fat kid comes up with a fiver and buys FOUR of the biggest ice cream cones...EVER. And all this kid can talk about is how good his ice cream is.

*It gets on my last damn nerve!*

Unlocking time.

< ! & ! >
ell jay