school has started and i'm not drunk.
[ 2001-12-09 - 12:10 a.m.]

I'm sorry for the people that I've hurt. I needed to push away from the summer. School has been in session for a while now and I've been absent living in the summer. It is over.

Friday~ Dinah-Rhea and I went to the basketball game. We lost (major surprise there, huh??). Then, we left and went to Waffle House to meet up with everyone. {{everyone being: me, d-r, holly, sara, taylor, ben, joanthan, zach, katie, mary-catherine, fran, mere, and laura}} Then, we all just went to Taylor's and screwed around.

I'm glad that no one in our class drinks. That would suck.

Saturday~ I stayed at Dinah-Rhea's on Friday night and then we woke up on Saturday and went to Books-A-Million. All damn day though we did nothing!! Just ran stupid errands!! Then, tonight we went to Holly's with just about everyone from last night (except the CHS group) and then Wes was there, too.

I'm so glad to be back in our group!! We just watched the game and "played" . I feel bad for all of the times that I've missed out, but I guess I'm getting the chance to make up for it. But I don't regret anything in the past. I don't regret the friends I once had, or the boyfriend that had the potential for love. Or ending it.

I still fell a lot like Amy. But I'm not drunk.

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ell jay