that kiss and more.
[ 2001-08-13 - 10:27 a.m.]

First of all, I have to make a correction. Threesome isn't the song that is going to help me remember now. Thanks for Stayin' by Reggie will. Second of all, I couldn't be happier to say that I'm glad I didn't give up.

2 nights ago, Amy & I said that we were staying at Chaela's and we had an all-night chill mostly at Rob's house. For about the first hour or so, Amy and I rode around singing and yelling out the windows and stuff. Seriously, that was the 2nd best part of the night!!! Then, when we got to Rob's, we only stayed for about 10 minutes and then Chaela, Rob, and I went to McDonald's. Blah blah blah. I don't remember a lot. Then Rob and I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I don't think ever I've had so much fun watching that movie. Well, after the movie was over, Rob & I went outside and he asked if I wanted to go to the best place to look at the stars. Of course, I said yes. So, he took me to this place in the middle of the country around 4:30. It was really beautiful. Nothing around.

We sat on the top of his car and for a while, we just stared at the sky. And then it got really quiet. Then he was like, "I'm sure everyone else has told you, but I really like you." I got this really awesome rush. For the rest of the night, we talked about all sorts of stuff. From our old friends to how much we like each other. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. Then, Daniel and Chaela showed up to the exact same place and the 4 of us all went to Dunkin' Donuts. We got back to Rob's at like, 6:30, but he kicked everyone out, so Amy, Sonya, and I went out and we called Rob & Brian & Brad and told them to meet us at Burger King and then we all went to Wal-Mart. We all went over to Rob's for a while after that and slept. Then Amy and I went home and slept from 12-5:30.

Once Amy and I showered, the 2 of us went to Steak 'n Shake to get free shakes from Brian. Then we went with him to Kroger & then over to Rob's. Rob was kind of sick, so everyone went out, and Rob and I went in his room to watch Emperor's New Groove & half of the breakfast club. It was awesome. Not because we watched the movies, although I have to say, and maybe its because I was really tired, but I haven't ever laughed that hard at the Breakfast Club. But, when I was leaning up to take a drink of my coke, Rob put his arm around me. And we held hands. Gosh, I feel like I'm 10 again, but it was...I don't know. Unexpected and good.

I had to go home at 12:30 of course, but everyone came over to my house. We were all super tired, so we laughed a lot. Rob and I went to sit on the stairs to my deck and once again, he put his arm around me. And when we were sitting really really close, he leaned over and kissed my cheek. And I think I almost died. Everything he did was so so sweet. My luck must be great. I think this I know that this relationship, is going to go somewhere. I can't tell you how great I feel. I've found all of my best friends. The best friends I could ever want. I don't want the summer to end. But we go back to school tomorrow. One last all-night chill. I've got to make the most of it.

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ell jay