i am a cynical bitch.
[ 2003-05-06 - 9:15 p.m.]

I have noticed a few things about myself this week (and others)...which has only been 2 days. 2 very long, long days.

a.) I used to get along with my dad, you know, the one who lives a zillion miles away. However, since his visit a week ago, I have learned a lot about him. Enough to make me realize I can't stand him. I can't stand the way that our 'relationship' consists of a crapload of business-like calls. He treats me like I'm an associate. Secondly, I hate his damned visits. He comes in, we eat. Then I expect to go home, seeing as there isn't too much else to do in this damned place. He acts like there should be a carnival that comes in to town every time he does. HELLO? If I had had my way when we moved here, I wouldn't be here now. He is the one that picked this fine city. Excuuuuuuse me that there isn't anything else to do around here but EAT. And whenever I do try to do something else, like go for a drive and talk, it gets messy. He critiques my driving and doesn't listen when I talk. Gr.

b.) Although I can feel free to write what I please on here, I don't like people feeling as though they have the freedom, especially if I haven't ever talked to them before, to ask me personal questions about my life choices. If you don't know me any better than you know the random guy who sits across from you in your 4th period, don't ask me why I chose to date someone I dated when I was a FRESHMAN! Especially if you didn't know if 'it' was true prior to having asked me 5 seconds ago.

c.) I think I have some type of weird OCD that deals with eating. I am not anorexic. Thats obvious. Ana people are skinny and don't eat. Contrary to popular belief, I EAT!! Just because I don't stuff my face with the well-balanced meal of pizza and fries that our school system provides us with every day does NOT mean that I have an eating disorder. But I am very obsessive with what I eat. I calorie pick and I only let myself eat once a day. And if I eat more than that, I force myself to go run a marathon or something. I think I caught whatever Danny has.

d.) I will not ever understand the point of the classes I attend every day. We'll go in order. Geometry. I like this class, don't get me wrong. However, I fail to see when I am going to have to know 'SOHCAHTOA' in a real-life situation. Economics. Yes, I see the real-life applications with this one. Its a great class...assuming my teacher didn't have the most annoying speech impediment and voice. Because of this, I can't focus and thus, I will never remember anything from that class. English. I love English. I just hate the books we have to read. I hate The Great Gatsby. I hate As I Lay Dying. I want to read something, anything, that applies to my life. Or anyone else's life-anyone that lives in THIS world and THIS day and age. Government. All I can say is that I doubt I will ever remember anything from a semester class such as this. It consists of a lot of busy work. God help me. Chemistry. My favorite class and I still fail to see the point. I don't need to divulge into this one. Anyone can see what I mean. I rarely see this as a conversation:

'Excuse me ma'am. Can you please tell me what straight-chain alkane the molecule 3-methyloctane is a structural isomer of?' Yeeeah. U.S. History. I won't even get started.

e.) I am a very distracted driver. I need to focus on the cars rather than the quite hilarious events that take place all around me. Haha. Like on the way home from the Y today, after 3 days of straight raining and several local floods, I passed the Clarksville FD filling Dunbaur Cave Lake up with a fire hose. What the hell?

f.) I am going to miss the people I see every day in the halls and I fear that I might actually miss everyone knowing everything about me. I don't feel like diving into this one, though because I know the end of the school year is approaching and that there will be much time for sentimental whinning and crying.

Well Beth, I am succeeding. I sound like Jessica Darling...one of my new best friends. (No, you guys. I didn't befriend another new kid. Get off your ass and go read a good book. You'll know whats up.)

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