[ 2001-07-02 - 1:19 p.m.]

I just had an awesome weekend!! It was so great! (and even more great when I got home, but I'll explain that one in a second...)

Well, we had another weekend at camp...this makes 5 years now. Sheesh. Anyways...there were a lot of cool people there. Like:

Erin- She's 11 and she's really really tiny...but she was so awesome!! She was a lot of fun to be with.

Michael- I've known him for 3 years, but this is the 1st year I've ever really gotten to KNOW him. He's pretty fun...but sometimes he's an asswipe.

Zach- Zach is Holly's younger brother and now I think I'm better friends with Zach than I am with Holly.

Megan- She went last year & I didn't like her at all, but now I've gotten to know her and she's really cool to talk to.

Amanda- Amanda and I became friends last year. She's one of the GS's and yeah...she's a big airhead.

Cara- She's Chip's neice. She was a lot like Megan...but I didn't realize how cool she was until the memorial service. She hadn't lost anyone, but she just sat there and cried harder than anyone because she realized all of the other people that didn't have moms or brothers or what not.

Chip- Well, I've known Chip for all 5 years that the camp has been open. For some reason, though, this year just seemed like we got closer. OH! By the way...Chip is like...22. But a big kid.

So, those are the main people I was with when we weren't in a session or something like that. Of course I was with Dinah-Rhea 24/7, but there isn't a reason for me to describe her because yeah...she's D-Rhea.

D-R and I only got 12 1/2 hours of sleep. The 1st night, we just stayed up painting our nails and talking. The second night, Chip, me, Megan, Michael, D-R, Cara, and Amanda stayed up until 3 talking about drinking and our biggest regrets and stuff like that. And last night, Dana (she's in charge of the camp...we've always been really close. she always talks about how camp wouldn't be camp without me and then she reminds all 86 people at the camp about the time that I was 10 and didn't wash my hair that weekend.), Chip, me, D-R, Michael, Amanda, and 2 other people stayed up until 2:45. The point of that was so that we could clean, and then have a discussion about camp, but everytime we went to talk about camp, Chip would make some joke and we'd laugh for about 3 minutes and so on...until 2:45. My abs were hurting from laughing.

The other "highlights" from camp, other than spending time with friends, memorial service was good. Instead of all being together, we were in seperate groups. And our group wrote on an index card and then threw it into the fire. There was a talk that went along with it, too. After that, D-R and I went and sat on this log by the lake until we noticed Chip trying to get the fire to stop burning by peeing on it. So then he came over and talked to us for 30 minutes. We had Cricket's Karaoke the 1st night and that was more fun than it sounds. Especially doing the Cha-Cha slide with a bunch of adults. So, those are the best parts. OH!! I totally forgot to mention this guy Chris. I've known Chris for 3 1/2 years (he's a counsler), but I never liked him. But this weekend, we made fun of each other the WHOLE time. It was great. *SiGh*

My goal is to keep in touch with all of them, so hopefully we'll be able to pick p where we left off next year.


I'm glad that Garrett ( and Ginn ( hate me. Whatever floats your boat. I just thought it was funny that Ginn told me that Bill & her's fight wasn't my buisness when she's the one that put me in it to begin with. And I'm not being sarcastice when I say "it was funny". I honestly laughed out loud.

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ell jay