tonight is for all of them.
[ 2003-10-16 - 11:11 p.m.]

this is for the last two and a half years. this is for late nights in cold cars. this is for shooting stars. this is for girly drinks at the beach. this is for corona light. this is for smoking off a coke can. this is for thursday nights at 7pm. this is for not being one of those girls. for eight hour instant message conversations. this is for 11:11. for road trips. this one is for teddy grahams. this is for tears. it goes out to sleeping in jeans. this is for toe nail polish, lip gloss, and eyeliner. this is for car wrecks. this one is for my parents pissing me off. this is for moving to a new city alone. this is for graduating high school early. this one is for homemade tee shirts. this is for being eighteen. and seventeen. sixteen. and fifteen. it goes to diet soda. this one is for love notes on cars. and mix tapes. this is for the one with the prom video. this goes to meeting people. from the internet. this goes to rumors. this is for being the brightest firefly in the jar. and for champagne and berries. this is for creeps. and for being a creep. this is for prank phone calls. and for 2 am phone calls. and for 2 am drives. this is for the gift horse dance. this one is for NMR: no more rockstars. its for kissing. this is for being hopeless. but really being too hopeful. this is for livejournal. this is for being another name on a 'list'. even if the list doesnt really exist. this is for new beginnings. this is for old starts. this is for whats to come. and what will never come again. this is for wanting love right now more than anything. but knowing its not coming. this is for being emo. this is for every show ive ever been to. even the terrible ones. its for jake ryan. this one if for inside jokes. this is for being fat. or at least feeling it. its for braclets with letters that no one understands. this is for BCs. this is for every crush. and for every time of being crushed.

this is for annelise, kristen, beth, carri, josh, danny, brandon, adam, gabe/nick/jaketyler (+faraway friends, chance, bood, and james.), casey, garrett, ginn, bill, joanna, rob, daniel, amy, sonya, katie, newbie, chaela, bee, tabitha, jonathan, wes, jennifer, sara, megan, matt, jon, lori, and me.

this goes to anyone who has been there to hug me when i didnt have arms to hug myself. it goes to anyone who has hurt me bad enough to make me scream and cry. it goes to those who made me laugh so hard i almost peed in my pants. it goes to those of you who broke my heart. it goes to those of you who forgot my birthday. it goes to those of you who opened another beer can just to see how many you could get in me. it goes to those of you who offered me teddy grahams at a show. it goes to those of you who i have never met in person. for the ones i have known since i was 2 and a half. it goes to those of you who listen about my problems on a daily basis. it goes to the ones who share music with me. the ones who will sing say anything in hotel parking lots. and the ones who go to northstar shows to see friends, not really so much for the music. the ones who will dance to sic transit and say things about brand new like "this is the most sexed up c.d.". to the ones who stand on the sides of stages with me at taking back sunday. the ones who knit. the ones who are rockstars. or think they are. the ones who arent really my friends. this is to the ones who continue to call, even if the "fantastic four" is long over with. this is to the ones who will i.m. me even when we know we'll never speak again because they were worried. this is to the ones who ruined high school for me. and the ones who didnt. this is for the ones who understand why a used copy of the perks of being a wallflower is better than a new copy. this is for the ones who have been my friends in murfreesboro. this is for the ones who like to pretend like they dont care when i know they do. this is to the ones whose couches i have slept on. this is to the ones i only see at 2am. to the ones who will smoke with me. this goes to those of you who i will travel great distances to see. this is to the ones who email me twice a week every week since february. its to those of you who i can sit with in silence and still feel like i am having the world's best conversation. its to the ones i can talk to about friends for hours with. its to its to the ones in clarksville, nashville, antioch, murfreesboro, germantown, huntsville, chicago, pinkneyville, skokie, boston, and denton. its to the ones i will remember forever. and the ones i hope to forget. the ones i talk to every day. and the ones i may never talk to again. the ones i wish i could date. and the ones i will never be able to. this is to the ones i have dated. and the ones i never want to date. this is to those of you who understand. and this of you who are perplexed by me. to those of you.

thank you. and fuck you. i love you. and i hate you. but mostly, i love you.


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ell jay