impending death...chemistry homework.
[ 2003-05-04 - 9:13 a.m.]

Two years to the day that I have had this diary!! Wow. I remember 2 years ago, exactly. Joanna was going to prom and I was pissed because I didn't think she should know...seeing as she was my ________ and all. Okay...if you're intrested, you can go back through and read it and fill in the blank. [Note to new readers: I date guys, just in case you happen to actually go back and read older entries. Ha yes. That makes my past life all the more unbearable.]

Ugh. And she went with Wade...the object of every freshman (& sophomore & junior & senior) girl's desire. I was pissed.

And I was mad at Garrett, too. I can't believe we were best friends 2 years ago. Over the course of those 2 years, we have stopped talking pretty much all together. Just recently I started sitting at the same lunch table which is really weird, all things considered.

I am almost done being sick! I can tell!! (My pety attempts at being optimistic.) I just woke up with no voice, rather than feeling as though death was impending.

Speaking of impending death, I have to go do my chemistry homework.

Orrrrr sleep some more. You know, whatever happens.

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ell jay