N* show
[ 2003-05-27 - 1:27 p.m.]

Yeah, so I just finished the Government exam. It took all of twenty minutes. What an effing joke! I swear, I'm so mad right now. I could have gone out after the show last night, but nooooo. Gr.

So yesterday was an interesting day to say the very least. I AM SICK OF DRIVING! We left here around 8:15 and drove all the way to Germantown to pick the kid up. It was fun seeing where Danny lives. And meeting some of his friends was cool, too, because it was like meeting people from a story....I have heard all about these people for months and months, but I finally got to meet them yesterday.

Anyhow, we also hung out with Jo and Olivia for a bit. (I don't think Olivia likes me, though.) Then it was time to go to the .N.O.R.T.H.S.T.A.R. show. We drove a couple hours back to Nashville and went.


It was a lot of fun. [Especially since I have been waiting for forever to see them play.] I got to meet Kristen which was crazy because I don't think I have ever met anyone from the internet/land of the diaries. It was so awesome, though. She seemed like a cool person. I wish I could have hung out afterwards, but nope. GOVERNMENT SUCKS!<

So now here I sit in Mr. Brown's seat while his class takes the exam and I am writing this from his computer thinking 'Crap. Clarksville sucks. I want to live a fun life.'

But at least I got to meet some people and see Northstar kill it. Yep.

If anyone wants to make my life exciting, feel free.

Haha Bood, no beauty in Tyler now. (No worries...you're all hot kids.)

< ! & ! >
ell jay