rest and relaxation.
[ 2002-12-13 - 5:54 p.m.]

Okay. There are a few things that I'm going to bitch about. Then, I will stop and go watch the sappy movies I rented.

.:. I hate when I write people nice letters to let them know I was thinking about them and then they leave me hanging.

.:. I hate getting blown off. And then, getting the blame for it.

.:. I hate being hung-up on. Christ. Is 'Goodbye, I love you.' too much of a strain?

.:. I hate the way some people write like they wish they spoke, rather than how they really speak. "The stillness in the morning is beautiful." WHO TALKS LIKE THAT?

.:. I hate the 'Of Mice and Men' where everything is all blurry and technicolor.

But I love way more than that. I am trying to not let so much bother me. I'm trying to be positive.

So what if my boyfriend ditched me and then gets mad at me? It'll give me a night of rest and relaxation.

So what if some people don't respond to emails and seem to forget that, at one time, I was their best friend? (I'll come up with a positive to that one later.)

Time to go begin my night of R&R. Rock it out.

< ! & ! >
ell jay