went to UT this weekend.
[ 2002-09-30 - 6:32 a.m.]

Well, the weekend came and went. It wasn't long enough damnit!! Oh well. HmMm. ((Trying to think what I did Friday night)). I know that I worked until 8. OH! Then Newbie came over & we didn't do too much of too much. On Saturday, Newbie and I hung out all day until 6 because, once again, I had to work. I worked until 10 >>CLOSiNG SUCKS<< and then Newbie and I watched The Goonies. Heh. Well, we kinda' watched it. We passed out after about 45 minutes and didn't wake up until 1:30-ish.

Yesterday, we took a road trip!! Wooowhoo! We went to Martin to see Joanna & Katie play. It was fun. We went out to eat with Joanna, too. Damn. Awkwardness at its finest. *LOL* Actually, it wasn't really all that awkward.

I got to talk to Danny last night. YAY! I miss him so much.

I love my boyfriend. And my friends. Even if SOME of them exaggerate and lock ther diaries instead of just blowing it off and calling me. But, oh well. Its not THAT big of a deal. If you don't believe what I said, just let it go.

I love my boyfriend.

< ! & ! >
ell jay