m. night shamhalyn is a cool name.
[ 2002-08-05 - 12:35 a.m.]

Ahh. I have been eating dinosaur cookies from Kroger all day. They're awesome.

Anyways, my day was pretty good. I hung out with my mom in the pool for two hours. It was funny. We joked around about what the hell Mr. Ferrell could see in the devil. We decided she's probably some closet freak nymphomaniac. Gross.

Then, after realizing that I was ditched, I called Newbie up and we made plans. YAY! I mean, we had PLANS for once. Crazy.

Then Brandon and Danny come over and bring me candy to say sorry. And they wanted me to go to KY with them to buy Jones Soda. And I really DID want to go. But I couldn't break a date. No way. But I guess there's Thursday. I wish we could hang out tomorrow instead because damnit! Thursday is my last night of this summer. But Newbie understands completely and said that I should spend as much time with Danny as possible. He's a great boyfriend.

DANNY is the cutest guy ever. I never realized how adorable he is until today! OMG...all the girls are going to want him.

Anyways, so Newbie and I went and saw Signs. I liked it. It was good. It didn't scare me, though. If I ever had to do a survey that had a question that said What's one thing you like about yourself?, I'd answer with: The fact that nothing but spiders scares me.

I then got to go visit Katie!! She's home and sixteen! Woowhoo!! It was fun stuff.

I am tired and I'm going to go listen to my new c.ds.

< ! & ! >
ell jay